Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Internal Culture Builder
Making Things Better
Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Internal Culture Builder
An unfortunate fact of life for council staff is that they’re often seen as the enemy, when in fact their purpose is to help make life better for ratepayers. To help council staff connect with their customers in a more meaningful way the WBOPDC engaged Devcich&Co. to develop an internal campaign to build pride around the council’s purpose.
Our strategy was to surround council staff with positive and inspirational images of real ratepayers – the people they work for and who rely on them. Coupled with the “Making things better” slogan and some pretty snazzy internal collateral the campaign has injected new life and energy into the workplace and serves as daily inspiration, and a reminder of the value their roles bring to their community.
So say hello to your happy customers because the work you do does make life in the Western Bay better.
At Devcich&Co we use well proven design and communciation skills to build and maintain our clients brands. Based in Mount Maunganui, NZ, we offer brand design, brand strategy, web design & development, print & digital advertising, marketing and promotion.
Unit 6, 332 Maunganui Road,
Mt Maunganui 3116,
New Zealand
P. +64 7 574 2911